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General Rehabilitation Therapies
HydroMassage Bed
The HydroMassage bed is a convenient, dry, full body massage with the use of pressurized water. Simply lie down in the open design bed, fully clothed, and feel the immediate benefits of the traveling jet system, which delivers an “all sides” body massage. The bed can be easily customized to put pressure exactly where you need it most.
The Wobble Chair
The chair creates a special movement, loading and unloading on your spinal joints. This movement triggers your body to pump nutrients into the spinal cord while at the same time activating core musculature. This helps to prepare your body for an adjustment, making it more effective. These movements facilitate lumbar disc mobility, rehydration, nutrition delivery and waste elimination. This pumping of nutrients and oxygen not only helps get you ready to see the doctor, but it also helps in healing and maintaining healthy disc structure.
Benefits of the Wobble Chair:
- Strengthens your lumbar discs
- Strengthens your ligaments and tendons
- Facilitates nutrition of your discs and elimination of waste products
- Increases motion in your lumbar spine.
- Increases proprioception from the lumbar spine to the brain (helps them talk to each other better, thereby reducing risk of injury)
Whole Body Vibration
What is it?: Whole body vibrations increases circulation and lymphatic drainage, enhances libido, supports relaxation, improves muscle and skin tone, and enhances weight loss, all which affect well-being, health and beauty. Increased circulation boosts oxygenation of the cells which accelerates the metabolism and flushes toxins out of the body at a higher and faster rate. In addition, local circulation to specific areas of the body gives skin a tighter, smoother look.
What is it used for?: relaxation, reduce cellulite, increase circulation, reduce varicose veins, enhance rehabilitation, increased agility, improve kinesthetic awareness, correct form to enhance power and strength, improve muscle stamina, increase mobility and stability of muscle groups, reduce the risk of injury, reduce recovery time, increase circulation to process lactic acid more quickly, increase vertical and pivotal power, improve speed, and so much more.
Rapid Release Therapy – Rapid release therapy is a breakthrough tool in therapeutic technology. RRT’s Scar Tissue Therapy targets brittle scar tissue with the shearing force of planar waves that resonate the scar tissue. Scar Tissue Therapy is focused on relief of soft tissue problems which affect nerves, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Some conditions caused by scarring of soft tissue are:
- Muscle Spasms, TMJ
- Tendonitis, Tennis Elbow
- Trapped Nerves, Adhesions
- Range of Motion
- Neuromas and Adhesions
- Shoulders, Ankles, and Neck
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Contractures
The Intersegmental Traction Table – Also referred to as a “Roller Table” helps in re-establishing the normal range of motion of the spine in a very gentle and effective manner. It also aids in reducing the muscle spasms thus providing relaxation to the muscles. The Roller Table can treat bodies of all sizes, shapes, and weights in an equal and effective manner including children.