Men’s Hormones
As men grow older, levels of free testosterone decrease and estrogen levels increase. In fact, the average 60-year old male has more circulating estrogen in his blood stream than the average 60-year old female! As if the decline in testosterone weren’t problematic enough, new research has shown that even small increases in estrogen may have detrimental effects on men’s cardiovascular health.
What is Andropause?
Andropause arrives in a man’s life when there is a drastic drop in hormone levels. Although total testosterone may not drop drastically, free testosterone, or the active form of testosterone, drops significantly with age. When levels of testosterone fall, the condition is called hypogonadism (hypo=low, gonad=testis). This age-related decline in free testosterone levels may result in diminishing energy, reduced libido, decreasing muscle mass, abdominal weight gain, depression, reduced cognitive function, and an increased risk of Heart Disease.
What is BHRT and Testosterone Replacement?
Testosterone therapy for men is based on personal hormone test results to determine the testosterone dosage that fits the needs of the person. No two people are alike, and hormone needs differ from person to person. A Biologically Identical Hormone Replacement (BHRT) program that includes Testosterone actually helps address the cause of the problem… not just the side-effects, while offering a combination of additional longer-term health benefits.
The Symptoms: Are You In Need?
Evaluate your hormone health. Have you regularly experienced, or are you currently experiencing:
Decreased Erections | Depression |
Decreased Mental Ability | Decreased Libido |
Prostate Problems | Thinning Hair |
Decreased Muscle Mass | Insulin Resistance |
Increased Abdominal Fat | Anxiety |
Decreased Urine Flow | Acne/Oily Skin |
Increased Urinary Urge | Irritability |
Decreased Stamina | Bone Loss |
Decreased Flexibility | Aches & Pains |
Fatigue/Exhaustion | High Cholesterol |
Sleep Disturbances | Aggression |
Burned-Out Feeling | Arthritis |
Foggy Thinking | Night Sweats |
Elevated Triglycerides | Heart Palpitations |
Headaches | Nervousness |
The Next Step:
If you experience two or more of these symptoms, you may suffer from Andropause. A BHRT program that includes Testosterone and/or DHEA has been shows to help relieve these symptoms, restore vitality, and aid in prevention of certain diseases. It starts with either a blood or saliva test to pinpoint your hormone levels, and a conversation about the dosage form that fits your lifestyle.